
  • Windows C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Local/Tiled/extensions/
  • macOS ~/Library/Preferences/Tiled/extensions/
  • Linux ~/.config/tiled/extensions/


官方说明: https://doc.mapeditor.org/en/stable/reference/scripting/


 * find-object-by-id.js
 * This extension adds a 'Find Object by ID' (Ctrl+Shift+F) action to the Map
 * menu, which can be used to quickly jump to and select an object when you
 * know its ID.
 * The script relies on the recently added TileMap.pixelToScreen conversion
 * function to work properly for isometric maps.

function findObjectById(thing, id) {
    for (let i = thing.layerCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const layer = thing.layerAt(i)

        if (layer.isGroupLayer) {
            const obj = findObjectById(layer, id)
            if (obj)
                return obj
        } else if (layer.isObjectLayer) {
            for (const obj of layer.objects)
                if (obj.id == id)
                    return obj

    return null

let jumpToObject = tiled.registerAction('JumpToObject', function(action) {
    const map = tiled.activeAsset
    if (!map.isTileMap) {
        tiled.alert("Not a tile map!")

    let id = tiled.prompt("Please enter an object ID:")
    if (id == "")

    id = Number(id)

    const object = findObjectById(map, id)
    if (!object) {
        tiled.alert("Failed to find object with ID " + id)

    const pos = map.pixelToScreen ? map.pixelToScreen(object.pos) : object.pos
    tiled.mapEditor.currentMapView.centerOn(pos.x, pos.y)

    map.selectedObjects = [object]
jumpToObject.text = "Find Object by ID"
jumpToObject.shortcut = "Ctrl+Shift+F"

tiled.extendMenu("Map", [
    { separator: true },
    { action: "JumpToObject" },


 * AlignObjectToGrid.js

// if cb return ture, stop walk
function walkObjects(root, cb) {
    for (let i = 0; i < root.layerCount; i++) {
        const layer = root.layerAt(i)

        if (layer.isGroupLayer) {
            if (walkObjects(layer, cb)) return true
        } else if (layer.isObjectLayer) {
            if (cb(layer)) return true

let jumpToObject = tiled.registerAction('AlignObjectToGrid', function(action) {
    const map = tiled.activeAsset
    if (!map.isTileMap) {
        tiled.alert("Not a tile map!")

    // 计算pos所在grid,修正pos,并自动添加/更新 属性col, row 
    let doAlgin = function(layer) {
        let alginedObjs = {}
        // 地图方向:正常
        if (TileMap.Orthogonal == map.orientation) {
            // check layer.name to do align?
            for (const obj of layer.objects) { // MapObject
                // get grid, obj's anchorPoint is cc.p(0,1)
                let col = Math.floor((obj.x + (map.tileWidth / 2)) / map.tileWidth)
                col = Math.max(col, 0)
                col = Math.min(col, map.width - 1)
                let row = Math.floor((obj.y - (map.tileHeight / 2)) / map.tileHeight)
                row = Math.max(row, 0)
                row = Math.min(row, map.height - 1)
                // align pos
                obj.x = col * map.tileWidth
                obj.y = (row + 1) * map.tileHeight
                // fix properties
                obj.setProperty("col", col)
                obj.setProperty("row", row)
                obj.setProperty("orientation", obj.tile.property("orientation"))
                // check duplicate
                let index = col + row * map.width
                if (alginedObjs[index]) {
                    map.selectedObjects = [obj] // select object in map
                    return true // stop walk
                } else {
                    alginedObjs[index] = obj

    walkObjects(map, doAlgin)

jumpToObject.text = "Align Object To Grid"
jumpToObject.shortcut = "Ctrl+Shift+A"

tiled.extendMenu("Map", [
    { separator: true },
    { action: "AlignObjectToGrid" },

标签: Tiled
